For a long time, was only possible to interconnect computers through cables. Although this type of connection is very popular, has some limitations, for example, is only possible to move the computer until the range limit of the cable; environments with many computers may require adjustments in the structure of the building for the passage of wires, in a home, you may need to drill holes in the wall for the cables to reach other rooms, and the constant manipulation or incorrectly can cause the cable connector for damage. Currently, you can avoid these and other problems with the use of Wi-Fi (or just WiFi), which allows the interconnection of computers using wireless networks (wireless).Wi-Fi is a set of specifications for wireless local area networks. The name Wi-Fi is seen as an abbreviation of the English term "Wireless Fidelity", with the Wi-Fi, you can deploy networks that connect computers and other compatible devices (cell phones, game consoles, printers, etc.) that are geographically close. These networks do not require the use of cables, since they carry out the transmission of data through radio frequency. This scheme offers several advantages: it allows the user to use the network at any point within the limits of transmission range by not requiring that each element connected using a cable, allows for rapid insertion of other computers and devices on the network, prevents walls are pierced or adapted for passage of wires, among others.The flexibility of Wi-Fi is so great that it became feasible to implement networks that make use of this technology in various places, mainly because of the advantages mentioned in the preceding paragraph result in cost savings. Therefore, it is common to find Wi-Fi available in hotels, airports, bus stations, bars, restaurants, malls, schools, universities, offices, hospitals, etc., which offer Internet access, often free of charge. To use these networks, the user just have some laptop, smartphone or any compatible Wi-Fi
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